El cigarrillo- Ana Gabriel | Cover by edgaryssaballo

in Sound Music2 years ago

Hola hola comunidad de sound music!❤️Espero todos estén teniendo un buen inicio de semana. Hace mucho tiempo no publicaba y quise empezar de nuevo en esta comunidad, espero recibir apoyo de parte de todos ustedes.

La canción que grabé el día de hoy, es una de mis favoritas y la he amado desde la primera vez que la escuché.

Espero les guste tanto como a mí!❤️✨

Hello hello sound music community! ❤️I hope everyone is having a great start of the week. It's been a long time since I posted and I wanted to start again in this community, I hope to receive support from all of you.

The song I recorded today, is one of my favorites and I have loved it since the first time I heard it.

I hope you like it as much as I do!❤️✨

Letra Lyrics (3).png

Anoche estuve conversando con mi cigarrillo
Me sentí cansada, cansada, aburrida y tan vacía
Que a veces hasta pienso que ni siquiera existo
Que a veces hasta pienso que ni siquiera existo

Lo encendí muy lentamente, le di una fumada
Y al mirar el humo, que en el espacio se volatizaba
Recordé tantas cosas que creí olvidadas
Se las conté todas mientras que lo fumaba

Le conversé de ti, y de mis añoranzas
Le conté de tus besos y de mis esperanzas
Le conté de tu olvido, de mis lágrimas tantas
De aquello que vivimos, y que hoy se ha vuelto nada

Le dije que es posible que a mi nadie me quiera
Porque he intentado vivir a mi manera
Porque me he negado a pagar el tributo de bajeza y pecado
Que hoy nos exige el mundo

Que a lo mejor estoy acabada o que la vida me ha vencido
Que he sufrido y he llorado, que he luchado y he reído
Y qué es lo que he ganado por ser así tan comprensiva
Solo vivir desesperada en un mundo tan vacío
A noche estuve conversando con mi cigarrillo
Y al terminarlo, pensando me quedé entre sus pies
Que en este verso triste, que es el mundo en que vivo
Solo él me va quedando como único amigo

Last night I was talking to my cigarette
I felt tired, tired, bored and so empty
That sometimes I even think that I do not exist
That sometimes I even think that I do not exist

I lit it very slowly
I smoked and saw the smoke that was flying in the space, I remembered so many things
That I thought they were forgotten, I narrated them all to it while I was smoking

I told it about you and my yearning
I told it about your kisses and my hopes
I told it about your oblivion and my tears
About all that we lived and today they became nothing

I told it that is possible that nobody wants me
Because I tried to live in my way, because I denied to pay the tribute of abjection and sins that the world requires from us these days

That I am finished and life has defeated me
That I have suffered and cried
that I have fought and laughed
And this is what I won for being
Comprehensive, only living desperated in an empty world

Last night I was talking to my cigarette
And when I finished it
Thinking I fell at it's feet
In this sad verse, that is the world that I am living
It is the only one that remains my unique friend

Letra Lyrics (2).png



Canción Original:


Gracias por visitar mi blog! (1).png


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