HIVE RUN se posiciona en Caracas / HIVE RUN positions itself in Caracas

in Hive Run 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️4 months ago


Desde hace aproximadamente 15 años que estoy en el mundo running, durante esta trayectoria he participado en muchas carreras y he vivido experiencias y practicado disciplinas distintas ligadas al deporte, donde todas se hacen el complemento para mejorar en mi deporte principal.

Afortunadamente he disfrutado de infinidades de carreras formalmente inscrita y podido de experimentar el running desde distintas ópticas,

Como corredores

Cuando vamos solo a correr y disfrutar del evento, vamos enfocados en nuestro desempeño durante la carrera, pero durante a la previa y post del evento como clientes esperamos que la logística sea óptima y nos alegramos si nos entregan el kit sin tanto protocolo y nos gusta sentirnos atendidos por los organizadores.

Como logística

La organización de una carrera comprende muchos meses de preparación y detalles que van desde lo más mínimo al más grande.

Brindar eficiencia desde que te entregan el número dorsal, al momento de retirar el kit de carrera para que el corredor pase el mínimo tiempo en las taquillas de entrega, tener aliados que ofrecen sus servicios al corredor.

Y que al finalizar la carrera el corredor se sienta a gusto y satisfecho en la ruta en la hidratacion, servicios médicos, durante el arco de salida y llegada.

Como Patrocinantes

Los patrocinantes en la carrera tienen un valor fundamental, porque entregan información y llevan a las manos servicios y productos que ayudan a su desempeño como corredor y al público presente.

HIVE RUN como Patrocinante

1 año y medio de experiencias running, en HIVE RUN hemos corrido, aprendido y hemos crecido en el ámbito de corredor.

Aunque hemos posicionado el logo y la identidad de HIVE y HIVE Run en carreras desde 500 personas hasta en carreras de 6000 personas, dictamos una charla personalizada en un club de corredores de aproximadamente 80 personas y este fin de semana pasada, estuvimos brindando información y posicionando HIVE y HIVE RUN como PATROCINANTE en la Carrera Seno Salud una carrera que albergaba 500 corredores más el público que va por fuera de la carrera.

Tuvimos un hermoso stand donde la gente fue muy receptiva donde desde el primer contacto rompían el bloqueo de la tecnología escaneando un código QR para recibir la información también a sus teléfonos.

Estar allí y tener ese contacto dándole información novedosa a las personas y ver esas caras de satisfacción me hace sentir feliz, cada día se suman más y es el testimonio y la experiencia de las personas que también nos hará crecer.

Visualizo a HIVE Run en grande, y en un futuro tan indispensables como el GPS para correr


For about 15 years I have been in the running world, during this trajectory I have participated in many races and I have lived experiences and practiced different disciplines linked to the sport, where all of them become the complement to improve in my main sport.

Fortunately I have enjoyed an infinite number of formally registered races and have been able to experience running from different points of view,

As runners

When we go just to run and enjoy the event, we are focused on our performance during the race, but during the pre- and post-event as customers we expect the logistics to be optimal and we are happy if they give us the kit without so much protocol and we like to feel cared for by the organizers.

As logistics

The organization of a race involves many months of preparation and details ranging from the smallest to the largest.

To provide efficiency from the moment you receive your race number, to the moment you pick up your race kit so that the runner spends the minimum time in the delivery lockers, to have allies that offer their services to the runner.

And that at the end of the race the runner feels at ease and satisfied on the route in the hydration, medical services, during the arch of departure and arrival.

As Sponsors

The sponsors in the race have a fundamental value, because they deliver information and bring to the hands services and products that help your performance as a runner and to the public.

As Sponsors

Sponsors in the race have a fundamental value, because they deliver information and bring to the hands services and products that help your performance as a runner and to the public present.

HIVE RUN as Sponsors

1 year and a half of running experiences, in HIVE RUN we have run, learned and grown as runners.

Although we have positioned the logo and identity of HIVE and HIVE RUN in races from 500 people to races of 6000 people, we gave a personalized talk in a running club of approximately 80 people and this past weekend, we were providing information and positioning HIVE and HIVE RUN as SPONSORS in the Carrera Seno Salud a race that housed 500 runners plus the public that goes outside the race.

We had a beautiful booth where people were very receptive and from the first contact they broke the technology blockade by scanning a QR code to receive the information also on their phones.

Being there and having that contact giving new information to people and seeing those faces of satisfaction makes me feel happy, every day more people join us and it is the testimony and experience of people that will also make us grow.

I envision HIVE Run in a big way, and in the future as indispensable as GPS for running.

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 4 months ago  

Wooww! Hiverun on the Running Event.. Kudos @erilej and @danielvehe you all are amazing!

 4 months ago  

If we have grown, there is no doubt about it, a year ago we only considered running together...

 4 months ago  

Kudos you guys.. Looking forward your next event.