Pañito de lagrimas

in GEMS3 years ago

Pañito de lagrimas

Quién diría que ella sería el pañito de lágrimas, que entendería sus tristezas, que le acompañaría a desenvolver la telaraña en su cabeza.

Una y otra vez le agradece a Dios, que aunque no lo pueda ver, conseguirá la entereza para remendar su corazón otra vez.

Quien con tanta comprensión, la ayudó a poner su corazón en una pieza, para que pudiera aferrarse a ella misma, con total entereza.

Alguien que con tanta nobleza, sin olvidar su franqueza dejaría que le expresarán sus tristezas, y aún después de colmarse su paciencia, la trataría con tanta bondad como se lo permitiría su esencia.

Una amiga así llena de tanta nobleza, caló en su apesadumbrado corazón, sin que se diera cuenta, en su corazón queda grabada su presencia.

Who would have thought that she would be the wipe of tears, that she would understand his sorrows, that she would accompany him to unwind the cobweb in his head.

Again and again she thanks God, that even if she can't see him, she will get the strength to mend her heart again.

Who with such understanding, helped her to put her heart in one piece, so that she could hold on to herself, with full strength.

Someone who with such nobility, without forgetting her frankness, would let her sorrows be expressed to her, and even after her patience was exhausted, would treat her with as much kindness as her essence would allow.

Such a friend, full of such nobility, touched her sorrowful heart, without her realizing it, her presence is engraved in her heart.