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RE: Missing Question Mark/s

in GEMS4 years ago

Most likely there is thousands more infected that don't even know about and will never be tested.

That only shows how deadly this virus is and how fake the pandemic actually is.

But simple flu kills over half a million people every year worldwide.

There are plenty other diseases as I mentioned that are killing people by the millions and nobody is taking any measure. Why? It's because of what gets to the media and what is served to people. Right now they're being served panic and an almost imaginary enemy considering that 95% of the cases are milt.

Lots of questions and we will probably have to wait for answers a long time.

Long time is a serious problem because we get to suffer from the pandemic much more than we do from the virus.


True. This virus is being used as an excuse to take over the world. In other words, globalism. It is kind of like the fat people in Wall-E.