This is the 92th day mobile photoshoot.

in GEMS2 years ago

Pansy Flower

Hello friends, this is Pansy Flower. It planted a lot of trees. But some plants have white flowers. Some flowers have turned yellow. But this time Orange Ranga's flower has come. It also has black and yellow. Such a flower is rarely seen. But its wings are very big. A plant has four petals. In which the color of all petals is seen differently. The length of the plant ranges from 1 to 3 inches. In which flowers emerge from the soil. This plant can be planted only in a small pot. In which soil and manure are required. We planted saplings in three pots. In which flowers have blossomed with all different colors. One flower lasts from 7 to 14 days.






Photos captured by@ahlawat
Camera DeviceLG Q60 Rear Camera 16MP
CategoryNature, Photography, Flowers, Animals, Birds
EditedCaptured one
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