Why I stopped creating for several weeks and what I did in the meantime + illustrated diary pages (Eng-Sp)

in GEMS11 months ago

English Version

Sometimes my routines are hit by the myriad of things that make up life and that I can't control. And it's not that I'm a controlling person who is driven crazy by chance, I really like spontaneous things that arise.


Cover of my illustrated diary.

However, there are times when you can only think: "it could be worse" and "it can't be worse", and both become a mantra that reminds me that everything is fleeting, and that my situation is not final, and that at some point everything will pass and something new will come.


Alejandra's diary, random page.

For a few weeks I have been working on an animation piece that required a lot of energy and time. My pieces have this painting effect that I achieve by pressing the apple pencil in a certain way, since the brush I use requires it (maybe it's time to change the sensitivity on my ipad). After about 248 hand-painted frames in three days, I had to book a visit to the doctor.

On previous occasions I have painted more than this number of frames, with perhaps more pictorial effects, but this time there was a decisive difference: this is a piece I was asked to do for an event.

After finishing the piece and for a few days, I could barely hold the pencil for an hour with my right hand, so I started using my left hand while my right rested and recovered. After a couple of days the nights became long, I felt pressure and slight pain in both hands, so I decided to go to the doctor.

In summary, and after several medical tests, I tell you that everything is fine with my hands, there is no bone wear and no joint problem to worry about, this kept me attentive, because many years ago I had a virus that affected the joints of my hands and also my knees for two years, the feared Chikun that we know very well in Venezuela). So the doctor just prescribed some anti-inflammatory pills, thermotherapy and rest... rest.


Everything is ok, according to this x-ray and the expression of my hand.

I think the most difficult part has been resting, which does not mean that I have to walk around with my hands wrapped doing nothing, but to reduce those activities that involve exerting a lot of force, pressing, grabbing heavy things for long.

The first days I was on the verge of an attack, and what I know exists and that I try to channel with art emerged: anxiety. What was I supposed to do if I had to wear the wristbands for several hours and couldn't sit and draw all day? The hours with the wristbands were the most difficult.

I've been reading... I've been watching The Handmaid's Tale (I'm on the third season).

For my next visit to the doctor, everything was going better, so he told me that I could start to resume my activities, little by little. Something interesting is that the doctor who treated me has been my doctor for several years. He also treated me for back pain caused by bad posture and lack of physical activity a little over two years ago, and his hobby is drawing. He understands how relaxing, how therapeutic art is, but he also knows it's my job. So while we were talking, he told me something that still resonates in my head: "I understand that you want to spend hours sitting down, painting, drawing. I understand how therapeutic that can be. But if you did it relaxed, your hand would not be so tense when grab the pencil. Are you relaxing when you make art?"


Alejandra's diary, random page.

Obviously the answer to this question is no. I was working under a lot of stress, to which a lot of day-to-day stress has been added. I've been stressed, tense, anxious. When I sit at my desk I can't keep my legs still, sometimes I move them so much that my chair seems to vibrate. At one time I waved my right leg so much that it became slightly more muscular than my left.

This is the time I wish I kept seeing my therapist, lol. But it's not like that. It's been a crazy year, and I've been able to determine my stressful situations. I know that I must start again with a physical routine that allows me to channel all that energy in the morning before sitting down to do what I love most in the world, which luckily is also my job.


It hasn't been easy, but it's not the hardest thing in the world either. Right?

Spanish Version

A veces mis rutinas se ven golpeadas por esa infinidad de cosas que componen la vida y que no puedo controlar. Y no es que sea una persona controladora a la que la enloquecen los azares, la verdad me gustan las cosas espontáneas que surgen.
Sin embargo, hay momentos en los que solo puedes pensar: "podría ser peor" y "no puede ser peor", y ambas se convierten en un mantra que me recuerda que todo es pasajero, y que mi situación no es definitiva, y que en algún momento todo pasara y algo nuevo vendrá.

desde hace algunas semanas estuve trabajando en una pieza de animación que me demandó bastante energía y tiempo. Mis piezas tienen este efecto de pintura que logro presionando de cierta forma de apple pencil, pues el pincel que uso así lo exige (quizás sea tiempo de modificar la sensibilidad en mi ipad). Luego de aproximadamente 248 frames pintados a mano en tres días, tuve que agendar una visita al doctor.

En ocasiones anteriores he pintado más de esta cantidad de frames, con efectos quizá más pictóricos, pero en esta ocasión había una diferencia determinante: esta es una pieza de trabajo, una comisión que me pidieron hacer para un evento.

al terminar la pieza y durante algunos días, apenas y podia sostener el lapiz por una hora con mi mano derecha, así que empecé a usar la mano izquierda mientras la derecha descansaba y se recuperaba. Al cabo de un par de días las noches se hacían eternas, sentía presión y ligero dolor en ambas manos, por lo que decidí ir al médico.

En resumen, y después de varias pruebas médicas, les cuento que todo está bien con mis manos, no hay desgaste óseo y ningún tipo de problema articular del cual preocuparse esto me tenia atenta, pues hace muchos años tuve un virus que afectó las articulaciones por dos años, el temido Chikun que en Venezuela conocemos muy bien). Así que el medico sólo me mando unas pastillas antiinflamatorias, termoterapia y reposo... reposo.

Creo que la parte más difícil ha sido el reposo, que no quiere decir que tengo que andar con las manos envueltas sin hacer nada, sino reducir aquellas actividades que impliquen ejercer mucha fuerza, presionar, apretar.

Los primeros días estuve al borde de un ataque, y surgió aquello que sé que existe y que intento canalizar con el arte: ansiedad. ¿qué se suponía que hiciese si debía usar las muñequeras por varias horas y no podría sentarme a dibujar todo el día? Las horas con las muñequeras fueron las mas difíciles.

He estado leyendo, luego empecé a ver El cuento de la Criada (voy por la tercera temporada). Para mi siguiente visita al medico todo iba mejor, así que me dijo que podia empezar a retomar mis actividades, poco a poco. Algo interesante es que el medico que me trató ha sido mi medico por varios años. También me trató los dolores de columna ocasionados por la mala postura y falta de actividad física hace algo más de dos años, y su hobbie es dibujar. Él entiende lo relajante, lo terapéutico que es el arte, pero también sabe que es mi trabajo. Así que mientras hablábamos me dijo algo que aun resuena en mi cabeza: "Yo entiendo que quieres pasar horas sentada, pintando, dibujando. Entiendo lo terapéutico que eso puede llegar a ser. Pero si lo hicieras relajada, tu mano no estaréa tan tensa al agarrar el lápiz. ¿Te estas relajando cuando haces arte?"

Obviamente la respuesta a esta pregunta es no. Estuve trabajando bajo mucho estrés, al que se le ha sumado un montón de estrés del día a día. He estado estresada, tensa, ansiosa. Cuando me siento en mi escritorio no puedo mantener mis piernas quietas, a veces las muevo tanto que mi silla parece vibrar. Hubo un tiempo que agitaba tanto mi pierna derecha que llego a ser ligeramente mas musculosa que la izquierda.

Este es el momento en que desearía seguir visitando a mi terapeuta, lol. Pero no es así. Ha sido un año de locos, y he sabido determinar mis situaciones de estrés. Sé que debo empezar de nuevo con rutina física que me permita canalizar toda esa energía en la mañana antes de sentarme a hacer lo que más amo en el mundo, que por suerte es también mi trabajo.

No ha sido fácil, pero tampoco es lo más difícil del mundo. Verdad?

Photos and text by Alejandra Her


Oh no hope your hands recover soon ❤️

Thank you so much, Julia. Working less time, worrying less and holding the pencil in a softer way. I started painting with oils and acrylics again in the meantime, and it's been great.

Damn. Even I sometimes already feel weird when holding the Apple pencil even when I don't hold it with pressure, I can only imagine how much stress your hand got cos of it. Yeah it's time to change the sensitivity of your iPad in Procreate... and also do you have like a pencil case or grip? I find the pencil very thin and slippery and I don't think it's built for drawing for long periods of time.. maybe those grips will help?

Hope you feel better both physically and mentally. <3

I didn't think bout that. Yes, that's true, maybe I should get one for my pencil. When I used to use my huion display I felt it more comfortable because of the shape...

I think that I need to start exercising again, lol. That would help with anxiety.