[SPA/ENG]Equivocarse y fracasar son parte de la vida/Mistakes and failures are part of life

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

Equivocarse y fracasar son parte de la vida. Si no te equivocas no aprendes, si no aprendes no cambias y si no cambias no creces.

Mistakes and failures are part of life. If you don't make mistakes you don't learn, if you don't learn you don't change and if you don't change you don't grow.

Equivocarse, según la Real Academia Española, es tener o tomar algo por otra cosa, juzgando u obrando desacertadamente. Pero a veces, sentimos que equivocarnos es fallar, es fracasar en la línea de exigirnos a nosotros mismos la perfección.

To err, according to the Royal Spanish Academy, is to have or take something for something else, judging or acting incorrectly. But sometimes, we feel that to err is to fail, to fail in the line of demanding perfection from ourselves.

Sin embargo, me gustaría dejar claro que equivocarse es de humanos, además es necesario para que podamos aprender. (Esto para quienes están en el camino de ser siempre mejores personas, porque hay también quienes optan por otros caminos y no aprendan).

However, I would like to make it clear that to make mistakes is human, and it is also necessary for us to learn (this is for those who are on the path to be always better people, because there are also those who choose other paths and do not learn).


Cuando te equivocas, ya sabes que esa manera no ha sido la correcta de actuar y puedes aprender e intentarlo de otra forma. 

When you make a mistake, you know that this was not the right way to act and you can learn and try another way. 


¿Te ha pasado alguna vez que sientes que una situación de tu vida se repite una y otra vez? . Eso es porque la manera en la que lo estás resolviendo no te está funcionando, no te sirve para avanzar, sino que te devuelve a ese pensamiento de “esto ya me ha pasado”. 

Has it ever happened to you that you feel that a situation in your life keeps repeating itself over and over again? That's because the way you are resolving it is not working for you, it's not helping you to move forward, it's bringing you back to that "this has already happened to me" thought. 

La vida te está poniendo la misma situación para que la resuelvas de diferente modo a como lo haces normalmente. Si te equivocas, significa que te estás moviendo, que estás buscando crecer, y al aceptar que te has equivocado, será más fácil renunciar al sentimiento de culpa y aprovechar la oportunidad de mejora que te ofrece el error.

Life is putting you in the same situation for you to solve it in a different way than you normally do. If you make a mistake, it means that you are moving, that you are looking to grow, and by accepting that you have made a mistake, it will be easier to give up the feeling of guilt and take advantage of the opportunity for improvement that the mistake offers you.

Si has cometido un error que ha involucrado a otra persona, puedes aprender a pedir perdón.

If you have made a mistake that has involved another person, you can learn to ask for forgiveness.


Equivocarse es un derecho, pero pedir perdón debería ser una obligación para empatizar con el sufrimiento del otro y responsabilizarte de las consecuencias de tus acciones.

Making mistakes is a right, but asking for forgiveness should be an obligation to empathize with the suffering of others and take responsibility for the consequences of your actions.


Sometimes, when we seem destined to making the same mistake over again, it also might be because there was more than one lesson to be learned.

You are right; if we didn't have the opportunity and freedom to choose what we do, even though it might be the wrong choice, we would never learn from the mistake and grow. Oftentimes, it's painful......hence the name "growing pains".

Thanks for sharing and have a good night!