DIY PROJECT - Touch Pen Making with Zero Cost

in GEMS5 years ago

Today I will tell you a DIY project that is very different and very easy to make. If you want to use a touch pen on your tablet, smartphone, I recommend doing this project. Your phone and tablet may have a touch pen, but may be damaged; Buying a new touch pen is the cheapest, 15 dollars, and quality ones are up to $ 100. Or I'll tell your tablet how to make a touch pen without spending any money for your smartphone.

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Materials to be used in Touch Pen Making:

  • A small plate of water
  • Aluminium foil
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive
  • Pen
  • Ear stick

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-01 at 03.05.53.jpeg

Making Stages :

First, empty the ballpoint pen. Then tightly close the cap of the pen. Cut the cotton swab in half. Insert the ear stick you cut into the pen. We have completed the first stage. Next, let's wrap the pencil with an adhesive and aluminum foil to keep the pen comfortable and the ear stick does not fall. If you want a stylish look, you can wrap it in different colored paper from aluminum foil. After wrapping, we have completed the second stage. At the last stage, prepare a small water plate and dip the tip of your pencil into the water. Then drain the water in the ear stick out by hand. Your touch pen is now ready to use.

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WhatsApp Image 2020-05-01 at 03.05.53 (2).jpeg

Photos and video are completely original and mine.


wow, this is actually something I'd be interested in trying out. There is probably a way to make it a little more stylish.

300% useful, specially now in quarantine.