For Blackheads; How to Make a Natural Face Mask with Black Grape + Baking Soda at Home?

in GEMS4 years ago

Today, our skin removes black spots; I will tell you how to make a natural face mask using black grape + baking soda + honey. We will also use the black grape seeds while applying this mask. The mask we prepared with grapes is more effective on the cleaning and look of our face. A practical mask to make, you have to apply this mask manually to the areas where you have black spots. Since there are a few black spots on my forehead, I applied it by pressing on that part. He can apply this mask once a week. You can prepare this mask by keeping the black grapes in water in the season where you live and using the raisin + other in the same way.

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Materials That Should Be Used For This Mask:


  • 10 black grapes

  • 3/4 ​​of a pack of baking soda

  • Two drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey

  • Benefits of Black Grape for Skin:

Black grapes reduce the oils on the skin and make the skin look cleaner and younger. At the same time, black grapes help prevent allergies and inflammation with the beneficial acids it contains.

Making Stages:

First, let's wash the grapes, then grind the grapes with a fork or spoon so that the juice comes out. Then respectively; Add baking soda, lemon juice and honey, mix. Our mask is ready, if you are allergic to one of the materials we use in preparing the mask, do not apply and use this mask. You can apply the mask without pressing too much on your face by massaging the area of ​​your black spots. After 15 minutes, you can clean your face with warm water.






  • The photos are completely original and belong to me