How to Make the Most Delicious Pie with Cinnamon + Grated Apple+ Peanut at Home?

in GEMS4 years ago

Today I will tell you how to make the most delicious meal at home with peanuts + grated apple + cinnamon. I hadn't been preparing pies at home for a long time, I recently bought 3 kilograms of apples in my grocery shopping. We need to consume apples weekly because; It begins to rot after a certain time. Generally, the pie is prepared with a round mold, but today I preferred to use a rectangular mold, but you can put the pie mixture you made in the mold you want and bake. I prepared it using red apples, but it doesn't matter what color apple you will use. The preparation time of the pie is 40 minutes in total.

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Ingredients to be Used for the Pie Prepared with Apple:

  • 3 apples

  • 200 grams of margarine

  • 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar

  • 1 pack of baking powder, flour

  • 100 ml milk

  • Cinnamon, vegetable oil

Making Stages:

First, let's wash the apples, then peel them off. Then let's do the grating process. Let's shred the peanuts until they are the smallest using a blender. Then add a little oil, grated apple and peanuts to the pan and roast for 5 minutes. Now we will prepare the filling of the pie. Let's melt the margine, then into a mixing bowl; Add margarine, egg, milk, sugar, baking powder and flour. Let's do the kneading process with our hands until the inner mortar of the pie reaches the consistency. Let's roll out the pie with a rolling pin and then spread the dough on the tray. Let's add the roasted apple + peanuts. Bake about 20 at 180 degrees in the oven. The Pie is Ready!












  • The photos are completely original and belong to me