Walking in Schaffhausen

in GEMSlast month

Sometimes it's like being hexed, we always struggle with the same problems, but a solution is always in sight. Walking helps, walking again after work, a walk works wonders and is also for free. It clears your head of worries and thoughts. Here a few photografy from last monts in Schafhausen. I had a wonderful experience that day, meeting an old person who made me feel the wisdom of his age and who created an admirable peace of mind with his knowledge. He has packed his wealth of experience in clear, short, simple sentences and he have a big pleasure to share with me. He has speaking a lot about the past memory and the present, very interesting short conversation.







Thanks for stopping by, have a great day!


@almi There are always people who are in our way, who come like magic, and comfort us with their words, when we feel worried. And your photos are beautiful.

Welcome, many thanks!

I do so agree walking is very therapuetic, finally it has warmed a little here and I can get out for morning walks, and I really needed them to keep me calm ;)

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

Welcome, Thank you so much!have a great Sunday!