The power of the optimist "

in GEMS3 years ago

Whether it will work or not, it does not matter much, what really matters is if you believe that everything will work, and if you do not believe that it will not work then it will not work. An undeniable fact is that nobody in the world does something that they do not believe will succeed, even if it is denied, if you are trying something you necessarily believe that it will work.


If you want to be the self of your own story, then learn to be optimistic and go on stage, making mistakes and failing is super normal for anyone trying to build their own storyline. Someone only makes a mistake because they are trying to do something, but the chance of someone trying and getting it right is all because only those who try are wrong.

The talent of the optimist is to have a vision of the future that he can build, that of the pessimist is to see the future that others will build. The optimist is the author of the life story and the pessimist accepts to be only a mere spectator.

Every journey you need to make in life is difficult, obstacles create discomfort, steps become a burden,
but remember, who can make it right or wrong is exclusively you, just and only yourself, so don't wait for something to happen to react, better to act first.

Be optimistic, regardless of the situation, avoid being pessimistic, as it will not solve anything "

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. ❧
