[ESP/ENG] BLOGGING CHALLENGE : Day 19 My Confession / Día 19 Mi Confesión

in GEMS3 years ago

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Para continuar con el Blogging Challenge el tema para hoy es hacer una confesión, y aunque soy un poco reservada aquí les cuento algo que a veces viene a mente y no me deja conciliar el sueño por las noches.

To continue with the Blogging Challenge, the topic for today is to make a confession, and although I am a bit reserved here I tell you something that sometimes comes to mind and does not let me sleep at night.


Desde que mi familia y yo emigramos para Argentina las cosas no han sido fáciles, en especial para mi mamá, ella tenía un trabajo en Venezuela que amaba y en el que recibía una buena remuneración, sin embargo, mi hermano y yo insistimos que allí los jóvenes no teníamos ningún futuro en cuanto al área laboral y de estudio, así que la convencimos para mudarnos. Mi mamá pensando en sus hijos tomó la decisión de irnos, cosa que le estoy muy agradecida, pero debo confesar que a veces me siento culpable de haberla convencido de venir, sobre todo cuando la veo triste y nostálgica de todo lo que dejó atrás, no sé si fue egoísmo de mi parte haber pensado solo en mi y mi hermano.

Since my family and I emigrated to Argentina, things have not been easy, especially for my mother, she had a job in Venezuela that she loved and in which she received a good remuneration, however, my brother and I insist that there Young people we had no future in terms of work and study, so we convinced her to move. My mother, thinking of her children, made the decision to leave, which I am very grateful to her, but I must confess that sometimes I feel guilty for having convinced her to come, especially when I see her sad and nostalgic for everything she left behind, no I know if it was selfish on my part to have thought only of me and my brother.


En este nuevo país para nosotros poco a poco nos estamos adaptando, recientemente abrimos un pequeño negocio y mi mamá se hace cargo de atenderlo. Yo estoy estudiando y cuando tengo tiempo libre también ayudo en lo que pueda, las clases y los exámenes no me dejan colaborar como yo quisiera.

In this new country for us, little by little we are adapting, we recently opened a small business and my mother takes care of it. I am studying and when I have free time I also help out as much as I can, the classes and exams do not let me collaborate as I would like.


Confieso que yo también a veces quiero regresar a Venezuela, volver a ver a mis amigos que tanto extraño. Aquí debido a la pandemia no he podido hacer nuevos amigos y no tengo con quién compartir, solo me la paso en mi casa estudiando. Emigrar es dejar todo lo tienes si mirar atrás, es duro y cuesta adaptarse, pero espero que el tiempo me ayude a vivir esta nueva vida a plenitud.

I confess that sometimes I also want to return to Venezuela, to see my friends that I miss so much. Here due to the pandemic I have not been able to make new friends and I have no one to share with, I just spend it at home studying. To emigrate is to leave everything you have if you look back, it is hard and difficult to adapt, but I hope that time helps me to live this new life to the full.


30 days blog challenge by @cwow2


Hi @anaout97, Migration is perhaps a painful experience. Leaving to sit with our family, friends, acquaintances and loved ones and moving to a different area or country is like sitting alone. Over time, we get used to the area and the loneliness gradually fades. But at this time of global epidemic, we have not had the opportunity to meet new people or even talk to them. As you mentioned you are adapting so you will be able to do your work well in the future. It is difficult to adapt but we must find opportunities to live a new life.

absolutely, since there are a lot of things I can't change, I try to take every experience as an opportunity to try to learn and grow!