Have you ever wondered how important self-development is?

in GEMS4 years ago

Have you ever wondered how important self-development is?

How important is it all the same for the artist not to stand still, but to do something new, the best - in other styles and other materials.

All that is static is a priori uninteresting. With statics, everything is clear. We went in, looked in profile with monotonous portraits - turned around and left. And why? Yes, it does not catch. For years, I myself have been subscribed to the artists I love. What now? Unsubscribe, unsubscribe, unsubscribe. Over the course of several years, I have already seen all this and, it would seem, I know where and what stroke the artist will put.

I am not talking about fundamental changes. But you need to change, and change within the framework of your own style, without breaking your individual boundaries.

That is why the last few months I spent purely on engaging in botanical illustration, scoring on portraits. And what an impetus to development it gave! Wonderful orders for postcards with a simple bomb design appeared 🔥 ...

Continued in the next post.

А вы не задумывались насколько важно саморазвитие?

Насколько же все таки важно художнику не стоять на месте, а делать что-то новое, лучшее - в других стилях и другими материалами.

Все что статично - априори неинтересно. Со статикой все ясно-понятно. Зашли, посмотрели в профиль с однообразными портретами - развернулись и ушли. А почему? Да, не цепляет. Я сама годами была подписана на полюбившихся сердцу художников. А что сейчас? Отписки, отписки, отписки. На протяжении нескольких лет я все это уже видела и, казалось бы, знаю, где и какой штрих поставит художник.

Я не говорю о кардинальных переменах. Но меняться надо, и меняться в рамках собственного стиля, не ломая свои индивидуальные границы.

Именно поэтому последние несколько месяцев я потратила чисто на занятие ботанической иллюстрацией, забив на портреты. И какой дало это толчок к развитию! Появились чудесные заказы на открытки с просто бомбовым оформлением 🔥 ...

Продолжение в следующем посте.


Have you ever wondered how important self-development is?

I would say self-development is the driving force that pushes society. It's the most important exercise everyone should seek in life if they ever want to achieve what they portray as success.

How important is it all the same for the artist not to stand still, but to do something new, the best - in other styles and other materials.

I understand from your text that one should search for self-development within ones boundaries, and its correct. But I've noticed something on the artistic environment lately, not sure if you share the same sentiment.

A part of the artistic movement is unfortunately being hijacked by ideological groups whose only purpose is to dictate how the artist can express himself, this plays a huge part on the self-stagnation. Either artists feel trapped within a group or don't find audience at all, as the whole movement is dictated by huge marketing companies (mainly speaking about musicians here). But anyway, is some sort this ends up supressing people in some form.

wow I talked too much

Hello! Really a lot, and I agree with you. But, thank God, I am not an artist independent of anyone, so I am not a member of the group. In your musical groups it’s completely different.
I am an artist who decides what to draw and in what style, but of course from a different perspective, if this style is not to be liked by others, they need to be changed.
success in music)

Muy bonito! Interesante

Thanks for your post..I don't think about it before but now I understand about the importance of self development...

with pleasure =)

truly lovely and inspirational I'm always inspired by my garden and nature in general, well said @andrianna

thanks, yes, nature inspires =)

Working on your style as an artist is a continous challenge. Falling into a rut is easy. I agree with going out from the comfort zone and trying new things, this is the only way to reach our full potential as artists. Beautiful floral art!

yes =) thank you very much, I'm glad you like it!