My bright arts. Pens and gouache

in GEMS3 years ago

My bright arts. Pens and gouache.

I love to paint in nature. We went on vacation to the Arakhley lake.

I managed to draw. By the way, we also went to Lake Arakhley, so wait for new photos and sketches from outdoor recreation.

Мои яркие арты. Ручками и гуашью.

Я люблю рисовать на природе. Мы ездили на отдых к озеру Арахлей.

Я успела порисовать. Кстати, мы еще поехала на озеро Арахлей, так что ждите новых фото и зарисовок с отдыха на природе.

Art with cats. I already showed it to you. I took a few more photos for you.

And here I am with the signature =)