The process of drawing a new art with cats.

in GEMS3 years ago

The process of drawing a new art with cats.

I started a new art with cats. I am thinking of drawing another small series of postcards with cats.

The sketch was drawn with a simple pencil. There are plans to make a bright art. I will continue to draw with watercolors and paints.

Процесс рисования нового арта с котами.

Начала новый арт с котиками. Думаю нарисовать еще небольшую серию открыток с котами.

Набросок рисовала простым карандашом. В планах сделать яркий арт. Буду далее рисовать акварельными карандашами и красками.

Way home. We went to town on business. On the way back, I took a photo.

I love this cloudy sky.

And here I am with the signature =)


You definitely know how to control that pen! Good job! I'm really impressed by all the drawings you realize!

Eres muy talentosa y aparte muy simpatica continua asi Dios te bendiga