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RE: [ESP | ENG] Conoce qué hacer cuando los hijos maltratan a los padres / Know what to do when children abuse their parents

in GEMS3 years ago

Dealt with kids like that before. The way I handle it comes in 3 stages and one or a combination always works.

First I try to reason with them. Sometimes talking about it and showing them how their actions effect the people around them fixes the problem.
If that isn't effective, I move to shock and awe. Measured, controlled, chaos. Whatever tone they're using with me, I double it and give it back to them. When they calm down, I calm down.
If that doesn't work, I just get quiet and handle business. When they get out of hand, I just snatch them up, lay belt to ass, tell them what they did, and leave them to their thoughts.

Eventually, they'll figure out that behavior is unacceptable.