Everyone's Homeland is a Paradise for Herself: My Paradise Homeland Kuşadası🌺

in GEMS3 years ago

Good morning everyone, dear friends,I hope you had a great day. One day, we were sitting alone with my friend talking about our country. We were imagine in a penthouse in Bursa. At that time, our age was around 18-19, the first time we left our home and we found ourselves in another city for the first time.(The photography below was taken in Kuşadası :) Not Bursa)


My friend and I were two people who grew up in different environments and environments. While looking at the city view, what he was longing for was huge, big, snowy mountains, when I looked at that landscape I was dreaming of the sea and then the rising mountains. Homeland love, what can you say? We weren't too far from our homes to be exaggerated, but our longing was too great. However, we had just returned from our homes a month or two ago.

This is my hometown. Kuşadası is actually a quiet and peaceful place in their dreams who want to retire in the winter months. Here are a few views of Kuşadası.

This void created by the tourists leaving Kuşadası during these seasons causes us to feel a great deficiency. But I love these times very much.


The times I am most peaceful. The less people, the more I have always acted with the mentality of peace.

Thank you for reading and taking your time. Take care.Thanks for Support