in GEMS4 years ago


@appreciator is more focused on uplifting quality content on the Hive platform and in support of this endeavour, Top 5 posts will be selected daily to be featured here from manually curated posts.


The posts are selected on basis which deserve more recognition and are undervalued.


Wednesday Walk and make me smile - Gulf Beach

By: @tattoodjay


This post if for Wednesday walk challenge And Make me Smile Collaboration challenge


My birthday dinner as promised

By: @edenmichelle


A strange feeling it is to celebrate one's birthday during lockdown.

I was blessed to share it with Tam (aka Karma Luna).


Mother's love / Amor de madre

By: @wesp05


Good morning dear community of Hive, and dear community of gems, in these last days


#WhenCoronaEnds - My Three Objectives | #CuandoElCoronaTermine - Mis Tres Objetivos

By: @dimeshana


Que esta cuarentena termine y que el Coronavirus ya no esté presente es algo que muchos deseamos que pase casi de inmediato.


Me presento a la comunidad de HIVE/ I introduce myself to the HIVE community

By: @lauralhc


¡Parece que al fin voy a entrar en el mundo de las criptomonedas! Llevo ya un tiempo merodeándolo hasta que


Keep up the awesome work!

You can also keep up to date with latest developments and curation updates by following @appreciator. Join GEMS community to shed some more light on your genuine and quality content.


Disclaimer: Appreciator is merely a support system for the Hive Community and does not directly endorse any of the viewpoints shared in the selected posts.


Felicitaciones a los mencionados por sus excelentes publicaciones.
Agradecidos estamos todos por el apoyo de @appreciator y @bluemist.
Un abrazo musical para ambos!

Hello sir, how can you support us ...

Pretty nice highlights with these users @appreciator I hope Hive would attract more users in the future.

thanks for the support, excellent work you do with the community

Congratulations to the Top 5 posts. A bit of travel and food, met a new Hive member, after quarantine life and reminded of a mother's love. Wow mixed emotions on this one @appreciator. Stay safe.

I sure hope you stumble upon one of my posts some day... I think I produce quality content...

I only said something other day cause leaving these comments will make sure they purposefully don’t vote for u bro. Didn’t mean anything by it. Just saying the truth. Better off editing these away. They don’t read them or respond in over 4 years. It’s a bad look. Only saying something to help ya.