Un saludo a toda a comunidad de Hive 🧡🧡, estuve unos días ausente pero vuelvo hoy con muchas ideas!!
El día de hoy quiero compartir este mini coctel de frutas casero que hice, estaba en casa con sed y se me ocurrió al ver algunas frutas hacer un pequeño coctel sin alcohol , generalmente un coctel lleva unas 5 frutas y diferentes tipos de alcohol pero elegí esta combinación de tres frutas que creo que van genial juntas y crean esta bebida refrescante y rápida con poco , es perfecto para aquellos días de calor interminable🌞🌞, es delicioso y sano, puede hacerse de muchas formas distintas , es muy sencillo de realizar , espero que les guste , lo principal en este coctel es que las frutas estén bastante jugosas y dulces !!
Greetings to all the Hive community 🧡🧡, I was absent for a few days but I'm back today with lots of ideas!!!
Today I want to share this homemade mini fruit cocktail I made, I was at home thirsty and it occurred to me when I saw some fruits to make a small cocktail without alcohol , usually a cocktail takes about 5 fruits and different types of alcohol but I chose this combination of three fruits that I think go great together and create this refreshing and quick drink with little , it is perfect for those days of endless heat🌞🌞🌞, it is delicious and healthy, it can be made in many different ways , it is very simple to make , I hope you like it , the main thing in this cocktail is that the fruits are quite juicy and sweet ! !
ღ Naranjas dulces
ღ Cerezas dulces
ღ Durazno maduro
ღ Gotas de vainilla con canela
ღ Gotas de Stevia
ღ Sweet oranges
ღ Sweet cherries
ღ Ripe peaches
ღ Vanilla drops with cinnamon
ღ Stevia drops

La cantidad de fruta que necesitaras depende de cuanto y para cuantas personas harás el coctel, en este caso yo hice solo un vaso para mi, utilice 5 duraznos 9 cerezas dulces y el jugo de tres naranjas grandes
The amount of fruit you will need depends on how much and for how many people you will make the cocktail, in this case I made just one glass for myself, I used 5 peaches 9 sweet cherries and the juice of three large oranges.

❀You can do it in two ways, you can boil or not the peach in my case I did it because I like that the fruit is soft and the juice thick, I will cut into pieces the peach and let it boil for 10 min, the healthiest thing is not to do so that the fruit retains all its properties, you can also after boiling the peach blend it, I decided not to do it because I like to eat the pieces of fruit while drinking the cocktail.

❀Mientras hierve agregare unas gotas de vainilla con canela, no es un producto que se consiga e todas partes, si no tienes puedes agregar ramas de canela y dejarlo hervir con el durazno, luego agregar las gotas de vainilla normal , es importante no excederse con la cantidad con unas 4 gotas es suficiente, luego hay que esperar hasta que esta mezcla enfríe lo suficiente como para poder agregar unos cubitos de hielo
❀While boiling I will add a few drops of vanilla with cinnamon, it is not a product that you get e everywhere, if you do not have you can add cinnamon sticks and let it boil with the peach, then add the drops of vanilla normal , it is important not to exceed the amount with about 4 drops is enough, then you have to wait until this mixture cools enough to add some ice cubes
❀Exprimo el jugo de 4 naranjas, la cantidad al gusto
❀I squeeze the juice of 4 oranges, the amount to taste.

❀También voy agregando las cerezas cortándolas en trozos en el jugo de naranja
❀I also go adding the cherries by cutting them into pieces in the orange juice

❀Once you boil the peach add the Stevia drops , but there are different ways to do this you can also use sugar but you must let it from the beginning boil with the peach , the advantage of e sugar is that the mixture will be thicker and delicious, I decided to take a healthier way, and add drops of Stevia, which I use to sweeten any juice or tea, I make it myself at home with Stevia leaves, a glass jar and water putting it to boil and refrigerating,, the truth is that it is quite yielding.

❀Agrego la mezcla de durazno con vainilla y canela ya fría con cubitos de hielo a la mezcla de naranja y cerezas y listo!!
❀I add the peach mixture with vanilla and cinnamon already chilled with ice cubes to the orange and cherry mixture and that's it!!!!

Espero que lo disfrutes gracias por leer mi post
🌈🌈 I hope you enjoy it thanks for reading my post

Translator: DeepL
Todas las fotos de este post son de mi autoría
All the photos in this post are of my authorship
Que rico amiga, salud y que lo disfrutes 🍸
gracias may <3
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Un coctel delicioso, que seguro lo disfrutaste @arcangeli.
Asi es amiga gracias por leerme, un abrazo