[ENG -Esp]Chocolate and lemon marquise//Marquesa de chocolate y limón

in GEMSlast month
Hello friends of the hive, it is a pleasure for me to be able to greet you on this new opportunity. I hope you had a happy and beautiful day. Today I want to present to you this delicious chocolate and lemon marquise. I hope you like it.
Hola amigos de la colmena es para mí un placer poder saludarte en esta nueva oportunidad, espero hayan tenido un feliz y hermoso día hoy quiero presentarles está deliciosa marquesa chocolate y limón espero les guste


     Used materials//materiales 
*cookies *chocolate powder*condensed milk*peanuts *colorful sparkle *milk
*galletas *chocolate en polvo*leche condensada*mani *chispa de colores *leche


Add water, milk and chocolate powder to a container and beat, chop the lemons. Now in another container add condensed milk, chocolate powder and lemon and beat.
agregar en un recipiente agua , leche y chocolate en polvo y bato , pico los limones ahora en otro recipiente agrego leche condensada chocolate en polvos y limón bato


I open the cookies and place them in the chocolate milk in a container. I start assembling the marquise, first the cookies and then the condensed milk with chocolate, I add peanuts, then I make 2 more layers and at the end I add peanuts, chocolate chips and refrigerate.
abro las galletas y la coloco en la leche con chocolate en un recipiente empiezo armar la marquesa, primero las galletas y luego la leche condensada con chocolate agrego manis , luego realizó 2 capas más y al final agrego manis , chispas de chocolate y llevo a refrigerar


Once the cooling time has passed, it looks like this:
una vez pase el tiempo de refrigeración queda de la siguiente forma



Looks so attractive and sumptuous.
You really took your time to make it wonder.
Nice one. I feel like having some, hehe.😎😎