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RE: Caricature: Brilliant Minds. Einstein\ Caricatura: Mentes brillantes. Einstein [En\Es]

in GEMS2 years ago

I like the strength of your strokes.

I would like to start digital drawings, please do you have starter guide??


Thank you! Yes, in my first post, the hatter caricature I described step by step how I proceeded. The only thing that to draw digitally is that you need a drawing tablet, Wacom, HUION, apple (there are different brands). I draw in Photoshop, but there are still other simpler programs.

Okayy.. will check the post out.
Yeah I just ordered for a Wacom drawing pad today, I intend using it on Photoshop software, but don't really know my way around PS.

I recommend you use Medibang or Illustration 👌🏼. I do not use them because of incompatibility with the PC