Splinterlands League Season Reward: Season 36.

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


I hope you're having a great day!

Welcome to my another Splinterlands Post.
In this post; I'm going to talk about my last league season reward.


League Season Reward Again.

I know every splinterlands fan waits for this day.
Some gets something worth a lot and some gets worth a little but everyone is a winner here.

No one goes empty handed.

Let's see what I got.


Flame Monkey 4X

(Value: $ 0.013)
Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: COMMON
Element: FIRE

These large monkeys were bred for the Kobolds some two hundred years ago as a gift from the Gloridax. They are easy to train and can sustain incredibly high temperatures, but the Flame Monkey’s greatest feature is its ability to make fire by rubbing its hands together rapidly. Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 1 speed and 2 health.
It requires 1 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Baby Unicorn 2X

(Value: $ 0.009)
Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: COMMON
Element: LIFE

There has been a Unicorn baby boom in the last few years that has all Khymians nervous. Baby Unicorns are much better matured than their older relatives. They already possess magical powers, but they’re simply adorable, and they do not yet realize that they are sacred. The problem is that they tend to wander wherever they please, often getting themselves into trouble. Terrible cosmic events always happen when a Unicorn is killed, even if the Unicorn is small. With small Unicorns wandering the streets of Shimmer City, the Khymians are on edge. Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 speed and 4 health with "Strengthen" ability.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Screeching Vulture

(Value: $ 0.017)
Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: COMMON
Element: EARTH

Will the screeching never cease? Not if you’re living in the foothills of the Seed Mountains of Anumün. The place is so teeming with life that death is quite widespread as well. If it weren’t for the diligent work of the Vultures, rotting carcasses would be everywhere. When a beast goes down for the last time, the Vultures know instantly, as if by some magical perception. They always approach the carrion with just the right number of Vultures. The screeching is simply the delighted noise they make while they’re ripping into flesh. When summoned to battle, these hook-beaked buzzards will also go after the living. Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed and 2 health with "Opportunity & Flying" ability.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


(Value: $ 0.021)
Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: RARE
Element: DEATH

You may be thinking, “A spider already has eight legs… Why Octopider?” For one thing, the Octopider is much larger than a spider, closer to the size of an octopus. It’s legs, although they can scurry like a spider, are actually the tentacles of an octopus. In fact, this monstrosity has nearly all the most terrifying features of both spiders and octopi. The Octopider can move easily in water or on land. Whenever threatened, the Octopider disappears into an inky, venomous cloud. They say the Octopider was a grotesque creation of the Gorlodon, a famed monstrous dark sorcerer of the deep water. Source.

In level 1:
It has 3 ranged attack, 3 speed and 7 health.
It requires 8 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Battle Orca

(Value: $ 0.023)
Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: RARE
Element: WATER

There are many Orcas in the Splinterlands, but only a small group of them has been captured from the deep, tamed, trained, and made into Battle Orcas. They are controlled by Prince Kaspar, the estranged brother of the Baby Prince Julian of the Gloridax. Kaspar moved to the Water Splinter from his life of luxury in Draykh-Nahka many years ago, seeing a Splinter in which true power and control could be found. With his growing army of Battle Orcas, Prince Kaspar now controls most of the northern coast of Azmaré. Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 3 speed and 5 health.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Nectar Queen 2X

(Value: $ 0.013)
Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: COMMON
Element: EARTH

Unlike most queen bees, Nectar Queens like to get out of the nest and get their Proboscis dirty. Fortunately, you can hear one coming long before it reaches you. Unfortunately, they have a real taste for blood. Source.

In level 1:
It has 4 melee attack, 2 speed and 10 health with "Flying" opportunity.
It requires 9 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Gremlin Blaster

(Value: $ 0.022)
Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: RARE
Element: NEUTRAL

These little daredevils have the special ability to handle highly explosive objects without accidentally exploding themselves… usually. When Kobolds are nervous about blowing a cavern open, they often call in the services of a Gremlin Blaster. They smell terrible and they’re incredibly rude to Kobolds, but when a powerful but lightweight explosion is needed, Gremlin Blasters are always the best for the job. Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed and 1 health with "Blast" ability.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Undead Rexx 3X

(Value: $ 0.015)
Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: COMMON
Element: DEATH

Every once in an unholy while, a brave Dark Eternal missionary is able to raise a fallen Rexxie from the dead and escape the Grasslands without being killed by Minotaurs. In Mortis, the Undead Rexxies are put to use, pulling wagons that carry loads of Dark Matter up and down the Eternal Highway. In battle, the Dark Eternals use them mainly for fear. And crushing. Source.

In level 1:
It has 5 melee attack, 2 speed and 9 health.
It requires 9 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Ettin Spearman 2X

(Value: $ 0.010)
Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: COMMON
Element: FIRE

The Ettin are a tribe of mutated primitives in the Burning Lands. Many of them have two heads, an extra limb or an inexplicable tail, but they are all freakishly strong. They dig holes for fun, and they communicate with a completely indecipherable series of grunts and moans. Burning Lands scholars are not even sure that the Ettin understand each other. The Ettin are very observant however of when they are being made fun of or ridiculed for their idiocy. They are a sensitive people. Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 ramged attack, 1 speed and 8 health.
It requires 8 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Barking Spider

(Value: $ 0.009)
Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: COMMON
Element: EARTH

These terrifying Spiders are typically found in the darker parts of the Splintral forests. Not only do they sometimes grow to the size of a whole chicken, but they emit a horrible barking sound all night long, as well as an unpleasant odor. Source

In level 1:
It has 1 ranged attack, 2 speed and 5 health.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Total 18 Cards.

Cards Total Value: $ 0.253, Cards Burn Value: 415 DEC

Those are all the cards that I got.
Now other loots...


  • 1721 DEC

Join splinterlands now and start getting all the reward


Link to Splinterlands - Steemmonsters.com (My Referral Link)

Am I Happy With All These Reward?

Well... As I said before, It's kinda confusing.

1st of all... free money is always good no matter what the amount is.
Beside... This game helped me and helping me passing some spare time also while I earn something (No matter how small is that).

But... I wished to have some nice cards.
Every time I open a loot; I pray to get some worthy card and yeah sometime I get it too.
It's not like every time I'll get good things.
Just remember one thing... "Life doesn't shine every time, you need to wait for the right time."

I got cards worth $ 1.653 in last season where one gold card was worth around $ 1.20.
And I got cards worth only $ 0.253 in this season and still I'm happy with it.

I'm hoping to get better rewards next time.

Photos are taken from splinterlands and peakmonsters
** The End **

If you're interested in playing steemmonsters game then you should start it.
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That's all for now. I'll come with an interesting post again.

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Excellent post!

Yes... it's okay to have that feeling of disappointment... but also feel pretty happy. Every time I open a reward I get that little jolt of excitement, even if it's a potion... though it's considerably less 😉.

DUDE. I started playing with @splinterlore (just opened the account to start sharing lore from) and after my FIRST Daily Quest... I got ONE reward chest... and it was 748 DEC! I almost peed! 🤣 I'm generally not so lucky.

I feel like I've been riding that feeling for a minute now... interesting. I think that's the key- if we all started getting awesome stuff how would we compare what the 'not awesome' things are? #thoughtsinmyhead #clearasmud