My tiny little garden from homestead.🌺🌺

in GEMS3 years ago

Good day Hivers and to all GEMS Community out there all over the globe. Today i wanted to share with you my flowers from my homestead garden. Lately this week the weather is bad in our country but for my garden and plants it is such a wonderful weather because they need that fresh water from the mother nature for the daily needs of my plants i never wanted to rain anytime but when the nature decides i could just say thank you for the free water for my plants. As a homesteader and gardener i always love to do planting in my home since i am a jobless my wife only work for us with my little baby boy.

Last September 27, 2021 my wife successfully deliver our first baby boy safe and healthy since my wife need to work for us She just rest for just a week and get back to work even she is not totally fully healed from Her delivery. As a jobless Father i am the one who took care of our baby and everytime my baby is on bed i skip on doing my garden while my wife niece watching our baby sleeping.

Let's get back to my plants! I am so happy that even i don't have much time to my garden i still have the mother nature to provide the needs of my plants and they are now bloomed it's beautiful and lovely flowers.

Not only my plants bloomed it's flowers my one only berry also giving it's fruit to be benefit soon. It is such a great blessings for me to witness my berry giving it's fruits it's been a while I've been dreaming to see there fruits and now i finally saw it and benefits those fruits sooner.😍

Thank you for having your time reading my homestead garden. Hoping you all guys have a wonderful day, stay safe,stay in good health and God Bless!


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