Perfecting Mom's Kare-kare

in GEMS4 years ago


I cooked this because my brother requested. He misses kare-kare and he misses our late mom who used to cook it on our birthdays. Today, we are pretending she is still with us and it's our birthday. It's quite an expensive dish to prepare regularly so we had it on occasions then when we were little. Now that we are grownups, we don't mind how much we spend for a meal as long as we have her in our thoughts once more and feel her love through this dish. We miss you, mom! We love you forever! <3


I want that with hot rice underneath. Just like a kare-kare hotpot. You should have a restaurant. Hahaha!

I am thinking about making a restaurant, a place that serves !BEER too. Hahaha!

Hey @mermaidvampire, here is a little bit of BEER from @benedict08 for you. Enjoy it!

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