Taking impression and study cast for removable denture

in GEMS3 years ago

Good day friends and to all of my fellow Hivers out there, hope all is well!


Last night a close neighbors come across to our house to visit my wife and to work for her dentures. My wife is an Dentist assistant for almost ten years and she almost knew all the dentistry works. When our close neighbors ask to make her mother a dentures my wife agreed and bring some materials in our home. Actually they can make it at the dental clinic where my wife worked but instead of doing it to the clinic my wife choose to work it at home to also help our neighbor to spend less so they will no need to pay more for an extra services and only pay for the making of dentures at the laboratory.


As a husband i do my part also to assists my wife of making those casting removable denture. When our close neighbors arrived at the house i prepare the materials that she needed.

  • Spatula
  • Cast stone
  • Impression tray
  • Jeltrate powder
  • and bowl for mixing

To get the actual size and the locking teeth first we mixed a Jeltrate Power powder with the exact amount of water that made the Jeltrate Powder a little bit sticky, after mixing She put the mixed Jeltrate powder to the Impression Tray and making sure that whole teeth will surely occupied with the mixed Jeltrate Powder.

Before we put it to the mouth of our neighbors and get the exact size, we do it several times because we need the size both up and down.




Now we got the exact size for dentures, next thing to do is to mix the cast stone.


Now mixing Cast Stone powder is the risky thing for dentures, on mixing cast stone powder the same thing just put a small amount of water but this time it needs to be not too sticky so we can mold the Cast Stone well to the dentures that we first made using Jeltrate Powder.

On putting the cast stone powder it needs to be fully occupied and no swallow internal and external to make it perfect and no hussle of making the dentures when it brings to the laboratory to do the full work of dentures.


After putting those Cast stone powder we need 10-15 minutes to get the mixed cast stone powder fully formed and hard enough to remove. After it will get heard enough it's time to remove the mixed cast stone powder.


It's finally done now it's ready to being to the laboratory and do the final work of making the dentures..

I will put the picture of fully worked dentures when it will arrived and deliver by the laboratory were we send it for the final work.

Hope you enjoy reading my todays blog, have a wonderful day ahead. stay safe, stay in good health and be Blessed!