Original poetry: "The birth of storm", by bonzopoe

in GEMS11 months ago (edited)


The birth of storm

It was a calm day on the prairie's crest,
when suddenly lightning yawned,
and in the distance, a flash so bright,
struck a fence, filling the scene with light.

This startled a cloud, so full of dread,
that it burst into tears and overhead it spread,
putting an end to the season's drought,
quenching the thirst, without a doubt.

With joyous hearts, farmers took the fields,
dancing, celebrating and asking for more,
so that their uproar stirring the air up high,
till the furious wind couldn't stand by.

Joining the wind, thunder and clouds appeared,
whose sleep had been interrupted by so much laughs,
and so, my darling girl, story be told,
is how storm was born.

©bonzopoe, 2023.



Thank you very much for reading this post and dedicating a moment of your time. Until next time and remember to leave a comment.



Hola que tal, ¿como estás? Waooo me encantó tu poesía...fue una manera muy linda de describir a la tormenta
Me Encanta lo que tú escribes...si quieres nos ponemos en contacto por Whatsapp
Sigue escribiendo, que Yo te seguiré leyendo🌹✨

Muchas gracias por tus palabras, que bueno que te haya gustado. Saludos y un abrazo.