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RE: Fined, Confined and Uninformed...

in GEMS4 years ago

As you seay: They don't care.
They don't care about us fringe people, not about immigrants, the poor. They also wouldn't care about the old, if there weren't so many votes to have there.

I find it intersting, that socialist govs seem to care a bit more...

And yes, this is the effort to establish the wet dream of some new world order. But it might come in a different shape than what the powers-to-be might expect.


They also wouldn't care about the old, if there weren't so many votes to have there.

Entirely true. If I would have the power I would deinfitely forbid old people to vote out of two reasons. First their thinking, in most of the cases is not very clear and second let the youth and young ones decide for the future. They had their chances.

Third: If your life expectancy is comparingly short, you don't do clever long-term decisions.