Being a spiderman fan, how did I get this comic book?

in GEMS2 years ago (edited)


La historia de este comic es bastante extraña, ya se había estrenado spiderman uno hace mas de un año y medio, todos estaban a la esperaba de su segunda parte nadie tenia idea de que trataría en aquel momento, yo era muy joven y mi padre trabajaba en un programa de cine que producía llamado el mágico mundo del cine, me acuerdo que fui con el a buscar un material para la prensa de otra película nada que ver con spiderman, y justo al entrar al oficina de un colega de el, hay estaba un afiche hermosos de spiderman de 2 y con el villano reflejado en el ojo de peter, entonces me emocione, a mi padre se le entrego el material de prensa que fue a buscar y yo bueno, fui bastante expresivo jeje le pregunte a la persona si me podía regalar un afiche y el señor me vio con cara de ternura, y me dio un afiche de spiderman 2 y este comic que era un homenaje y resumen a la primera película, me acuerdo estar super feliz de niño, eran los primeros comics que eran míos propios de resto solo había leído en casa de amigos o débilmente por internet.

The story of this comic is quite strange, spiderman one had already been released more than a year and a half ago, everyone was waiting for its second part, nobody had any idea what it would be about at that time, I was very young and my father worked in a film program that he produced called the magical world of cinema, I remember that I went with him to get some material for the press of another movie that had nothing to do with spiderman, and just as I entered the office of a colleague of his, there was a beautiful poster of spiderman of 2 and with the villain reflected in peter's eye, then I got excited, my father was given the press material that he was looking for and I, well, I was quite expressive hehe I asked the person if he could give me a poster and the man saw me with a tender face, and gave me a poster of spiderman 2 and this comic that was a tribute and summary to the first movie, I remember being super happy as a child, they were the first comics that were mine own otherwise I had only read at home or weakly friends on the internet.

Ser fanático de spiderman es mucho mas que leer comics o ver una película, para vi es algo importante, siento que me ayudo a elegir mi carrera puesto que soy fotógrafo de profesión, y me ayudo a ser una mejor persona, a pesar de todo el dolor que mucha gente me ocasiono, a entender que no todo te va a salir bien en la vida pero has lo posible de marca una diferencia, y bueno horita con el estreno de spiderman no way home, vi una perfecta oportunidad de compartirles este comic y además les dejare un video de cuando me tatuaron a spiderman, un abrazo para todos.

Being a spiderman fan is much more than reading comics or watching a movie, for me it is something important, I feel that it helped me to choose my career since I am a photographer by profession, and it helped me to be a better person, despite all the pain that many people caused me, to understand that not everything will go well in life but do your best to make a difference, and well now with the release of spiderman no way home, I saw a perfect opportunity to share with you this comic and I will also leave you a video of when I got a spiderman tattoo, a hug for everyone.


Aquí podrán ver el video del tatuaje de spiderman que mencione / Here you can see the video of the spiderman tattoo I mentioned.