The flying ball. (My 3d drawing)

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

ball 11.jpg

This is a flying ball. As always, I’m up with another 3d drawing. Let's see how I came up with the final art.

How I started
I Drew a perfect circle on a piece of white paper. I made sure that the circle starts from the edge of the paper at the top.

I drew a diamond-like shape as shown in the image

and joined them together with lines, creating several diamond shapes in the circle.

ball 1.jpg

together 1.png

Using black paint (poster colour), I painted some strategic parts of the shapes inside the circle to make it have the design of a soccer ball.

together 2.png

I also traced all the lines in the circle (except two) with the paint in order to get the shape I want from the drawing.

together 3.png

Shading the other parts with a pencil gave me a more ball-like shape.

The Pencil was used to draw a shadow below the ball to bring out the floating view more,

together 4.png

The final step was to cut out part of the outline of the drawing to reinforce the 3D impression. Thanks for viewing.

You catch my latest drawing here.

Let's hive on


Most impressive -- I thought it was a photo in black-and-white at first!

Thank you @deeanndmathews. That's why I stated the steps from the beginning to show that it's a real drawing. You are mostly welcome.