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RE: THE SHRUB: #Createthatlook - Photo Filters & Effects Contest by @bliss11 - WEEK 9

in GEMS4 years ago

Thank you for the information! I told her about it this morning, she will definitely be entering the contest.

Is the program you use free? I don't think I've heard of it but we have mainly been using mobile apps so that's also a bit of a challenge with some of these.


Hi @cmplxty. Great she's entering the contest. The program is free to use. There are other photo editing program alternatives to Photoshop. Just search for free alternatives to PHotoshop. Some ask you to create an account.

Good luck in the contest. It's a weekly one, so she can enter each week. Just follow the rules carefully.

Take care, and I hope to engage with your wife in the future. Have a great day.