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RE: My Camp Period - Mi Periodo de Campo [ENG-ESP]

in GEMS4 years ago

Welcome to the world of hive! There’s lots of incredible people on here that share military experience like you, though maybe not in the same fashion but many military people understand each other.

There are definitely great aspects to the military. You form bonds with some of the people you live with that will last the rest of your life, which it sounds like you have a bond with your partner that got you through it together. That’s incredible!

I look forward to seeing what content you put out my friend, I’m sure it will be excellent!


Thank you very much for that welcome and support, I hope to live up to Hive and I will continue to put a world to my publications.

You're welcome! I would just say enjoy your time here. Learn what you can and have fun connecting with people. Try not to make it too much work otherwise you won't enjoy it. If you have fun with it, you can end up doing really well!

That's right, good advice friend! @cmplxty