Home Cooking // Roasted Eggplant Salad Recipe

in GEMS3 years ago


Hello friends ✋
I'll give you a recipe for roasted eggplant salad today.
I have to say, it tastes delicious.

Eating fried foods is not very recommended foods for health.

Therefore, it is not recommended to consume continuously.

I don't think consuming it once a month will affect me. 🙂

I'd say it's my favorite salad.
I think there are enough vitamins in it.

If I have to mention the benefits of eggplant:
Eggplant, which has many benefits, prevents bone resorption.
Reduces stress.
Contains plenty of fiber.
Relieves bowel problems.
It is a type of blood-forming food.
It helps remove edema found in the body.
Even the eggplant stalk is very useful because it takes vitamins and minerals in the soil. That's why in some eggplant dishes, they don't throw away the stalk of the eggplant.
As you can see, eggplant is a legendary vegetable.


Now I can tell you the ingredients and recipe of the salad.

Ingredients for roasted eggplant salad:

4-5 eggplant,
1 onion,
2 tomatoes,
2-3 peppers,
capia peppers,
lemon and oil

You can fry all the salad ingredients if you want.
It will be more delicious this way.

But it's enough to fry your health d eggplant. 🙂


At the first stage, we prepare all the materials.
If you're going to fry on the stove or at the barbecue, we'll light the fire.
We'll fry the eggplants until they're cooked.

It is necessary to constantly check the eggplant when embers.

After frying all the eggplants, we do the same for the peppers and onions.

I must say that roasted onions also taste great.


In the second stage, we peel the roasted vegetables and finely chop them.

Peeling the shells of roasted vegetables is one of the most difficult stages.

I may be having a hard time because I don't like this process.

In the salad bowl, first add eggplant, then pepper, tomato, onion in order.

Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon on it.

Add plenty of oil and salt and mix.
After mixing well, the salad is ready.


You can even consume it with soup next to it or as a meal alone.
You should definitely try.
I wish everyone health 🙏



Looks Mouthwatering

Thanks 🙂