I started working as a Stop-Motion Artist during Covid-19!

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

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When lockdown hit in the UK, and Scotland, months too late we all knew we were in for a ride. Beautiful spring and summer, hindered by not being able to see friends or family or go off on weekend trips with the tent. For me, I decided it was time I learnt a new aspect of film making.

I always loved stop motion. Fantastic Mr Fox, by Wes Anderson and the Ardman team is one of my top films.

I invested in the best software going, Dragon Frame 4, which is what Wes and the Team used in that film and Isle Of Dogs, on top of that I invested $40 into the cheapest and beatest camera that was compatible with the software. A Canon 100D made in 2005.

I have since upgraded to the GH5 for animation, however I haven't yet got round to testing it out. I have done a few decent jobs over the course of the pandemic, there is always something you can do to provide for your family in this new and exciting world, and with Blockchain making its return those opportunities are everywhere.

I hope you enjoy this short commercial I made for UK TERRARIUMS.

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