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RE: Carrying the shell

in GEMS3 years ago

Hi @creativemary! This article is really interesting.

When you talk about stability and fulfilling our dreams it seems like you separate the two, stability from the dream. But when stability is part of the dream then where does it apply?

I believe that fulfilling our dreams requires being able to think long term about what we want to do with our time, and some of these dreams require money, so routine work may have to be part of the process of achieving the dream.

I believe that working to have money is important, but we cannot let money and material things be the center of life. Having a routine job doesn't have to leave us without time to manifest our dreams either. For example, we can go to work for 8 hours and when we return home we can dedicate two hours to our personal purpose.

With regard to the homeless, I don't think they are happier than people with homes, not if they are people who don't have to eat. Now, if they are travelers who make money from that lifestyle and have their basic needs met, then I have no doubt that they can be happy like that, in fact I follow many channels of nomads who make a living from traveling and photographing the world and they seem comfortable with that lifestyle.

Having a home doesn't have to be a priority for everyone, but I think it would bring some peace of mind, especially if in their childhood and youth they never experienced what it is like to have a home of their own or even a room to themselves.

I understand the point that it should not be the center of life to please others and for that reason to buy a house, but for example, I find it difficult to raise a family without having a house to give them shelter, since growing up in an environment of homeless poverty is not a pleasant life situation.

Anyway, I think that work is necessary to survive, to have food and basic needs covered, but we must not leave aside our purpose. Maybe both can live together in harmony. What do you think?


Hey! I like your view on the subject. I think that every person is as happy as they decide to be, including the disadvantaged.
I agree with you about making time for our purpose. Many people lack the motivation after 8 hours plus of work. Here I believe that a strong reason/dream will pull you enough from the mundane lethargy.
We do need a house for a family. But in the same time if that home is not filled with good spirit, harmony, people who are happy about where they are living and with whom...then is that a house where nobody would like to be in
Money are necessary but imagination and dreams come before having money most of the times

One way to combat lethargy when working long hours is to spend time on your purpose BEFORE going to work. You have to get up earlier, of course, but it would be a small sacrifice compared to the desire for which you work. But at the same time I understand that there are people who do not have this purpose in mind and routine can hold them up until they reach retirement without having built something to fill them up.

Of course, money without purpose is useless, it will not make you happy at all.

Early risers have indeed a great advantage if they use that time wisely!