Friday Did you Know? Post Number 9

in GEMS4 years ago


Another week ticks by and it is time to see if you knew any of these bits of sometimes useless information. I enjoy doing this post as I normally learn quite a bit of stuff I normally wouldn't bother to ever look up. You could say we are getting smarter every week or dumber for filling our brain up with mainly useless facts.


Here is the first one this week which I think many of us have heard, but have no idea where it came from.

Close but no cigar.
Meaning you didn't quite make it or you fell short in your attempt.

I wouldn't even know where to begin to guess the origins of this one and it would be obvious if you lived in those times. In the 1950's over in the States fairgrounds or carnivals used to give out cigars as prizes. If you missed the targets or whatever you were aiming for then you never received your cigar. No fluffy pink elephants which we see these days. I am sure little Johnnie or Suzy wouldn't be happy if this was still the case today.


Spare the rod and spoil the child.
The thought process was that if you don't discipline your children then they will become weak. How true that is in many ways as we have seen the young generation lose all respect for their elders. There still needs to be well mannered children and teaching them properly doesn't mean beating them but they need to know right and wrong.

In the King James version of the Bible we find proverbs 13:24 where it says

He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

Which basically is the opposite of todays thinking with everyone against beating kids and see it as outdated. I was beaten daily as a kid at school and just took it as normal. I most likely needed it and know my son could have done with a good thumping at school as it may seem barbaric, but some of us need a good reminder. The generation today I feel have missed out as it benefitted me even though I never liked it.
At least have some balls and go out in style unlike many cowards who denied women and children a seat in lifeboats on the Titanic.

Women and children first.

Used when a ship is sinking and everyone needs to abandon the ship. It is to show that the vulnerable need to be led to safety first.

First used when a boat off the coast of South Africa HMS Birkenhead was sinking and the Captain ordered the men to wait. He ordered women and children into the lifeboats first and this was back in 1852. The men on board were soldiers and sailors (480) and unfortunately most of them drowned or were eaten by sharks. Good news is the women and children were saved. The Titanic was meant to follow a similar route allowing women and children first, but we all know that never happened as panic set in.

All depended on how promiscuous your mother was.

Son of a gun.
My favorite one from this week as it means you are naughty or have done something wrong. I had no idea about the origins though.

In the old times the Royal Navy allowed women to live on their ships. Any child born onboard a ship without knowing who the father was better known now as a son of a gun. Son of a gun therefore means son of a military man.

I hope you learnt something this week as I know I did. Wishing everyone a great weekend.


Very interesting stuff there. My parents definitely had no issue disciplining me when I was a kid. There was no sparing of the rod in that house. I feel I am all the better for it too. Holy cow, times definitely have changed. I'd go to the fair a lot more if they were still giving out cigars :)