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RE: The lie that “if you could do better, and you don’t, you’re losing time.”

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I don't feel it like revenge or sticking it to them. Sometimes it makes me unhappy to leave a relationship or a status quo because I have been tied so hard to the mindset that I do owe this or that. But I think to myself, is this what I want with my life? Is this what I want to be doing today? Is this "debt" real or merely an illusion? And, well, if the answers are all no, even if it pains me to cut myself away, there's little else to think about. The key for me has been to understand that if someone else misguidedly created a dependence on me, that doesn't make me responsible for their future. They got themselves in that mess. I may empathetically feel sad for them, but it's simply not on me, as you say, to dedicate my life to a "parasite," whether they want to prey on my emotions, money, or time.