Today's dream: Someone built a town for me?? Also a bat, magic and computer parts.

in GEMS3 years ago

I dreamt I was visiting a town and there was a cat-guy who kept praising me as if I were his superior. He behaved subserviently. When I asked him things about the situation, he told me he had organized the whole town, and it only existed to fulfill my purposes.


I was paying the guy, but I didn't think I would be able to pay enough to give him the power to bring people from all over the world to live in this town. It was very strange to walk around and think that it was all because this cat-guy was absolutely bonkers. I was also reflecting about the money I was paying him. Was it really so much that he'd dedicate his life to serving me? How much money does one even need to build a town?

I went into the buildings and found a school room filled with people working on electronics. I looked at a computer, deep in thought, and took a few spare parts I saw lying around that I liked.

I was then accompanied by a few companions I didn't know I had. There were a purple bat, a tiny magic girl, an adolescent girl and the cat guy. I don't know what happened after this. The last thing I remember is standing in front of the door to the school room, and then a vague idea of the magic girl helping me with electronics.


amazing, you own whole town! If you are lucid, you could return there and be mayor or even benevolent dictator of it :)

Well, my lucidy track record is not very good! As soon as I become lucid, the first thing I think of is "what can I explode?", and have committed quite a few massacres in my dreams. The last one was like a year ago, and I was flying above an enormous expanse of land, and it was quite a beautiful scenery, so I made cracks appear and it exploded as if the whole valley were the tip of a volcano. I also blew up a futuristic police station (with cops inside o.o).

If I were to become lucid in such a town, ehhh, I'm not sure they'd be very safe, or that I'd be benevolent anything.

I really don't know how to stay lucid, or even asleep after I become lucid. I have no way to stay in control. So, I just enjoy the few seconds I have because I know I'm waking up very soon.