Pensamientos Solitarios - David Suarez (Original composition on guitar) by @davidsuarezms

in GEMS4 years ago

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Que tal amigos de Hive, les dejo por acá una de mis ultimas piezas en guitarra, estaré subiendo poco a poco mas música y piezas de mi autoria, es complicado con 5 cuerdas pero se trabaja con lo que se tiene, espero esta pieza les llegue a la mente y al alma, disfrútenla mucho y no olviden apoyar si les ha gustado mi contenido, un abrazo fuerte, nos vemos pronto, y claro que si, que viva la música!!!!

This piece is called, "Lonely Thoughts"

How about friends of Hive, I leave here one of my last pieces on guitar, I will be uploading little by little more music and pieces of my authorship, it is complicated with 5 strings but you work with what you have, I hope this piece comes to your mind and soul, enjoy it and do not forget to support if you liked my content, a hug, see you soon, and of course, live music!


Don't forget to leave me a comment or follow me if you liked my content, greetings and thank you very much for the love of the arts! ♡♥


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