DCooperation gonna participate in HIVE POWER UP DAY !

in GEMS4 years ago


I'm @clixmoney the founder of @dcooperation.

I've been in this community almost 3 years and the creation of the community will hit soon 2 years. We created a few collaborations and you can watch them in our 3speak channel : https://3speak.online/user/dcooperation

Here is one of them :


I would like to participate in hive power day because I'm powering up all the earning of this account. @dcooperation is autoupvoting over 200 dedicated hivians. All the earning from the content and the curation rewards is going to power up. We are growing slow because we are autoupvoting those who are not earning that much, that's why our curation rewards is low.

Still looking for people to help me with this community and to create more collaborations. I wish we can create such collaboration for hive as well :


And there are a lot of ideas we can implement if someone will help with this. I need a moderator for the community because I don't have much time to ask everyone to participate in collaborations. Here is the recent collab I would like to create : DC - Domestic Camp !. The thing we can offer is a good autoupvote during a month and you will help us to grow. Our upvote now is over $0.2.

I've spent before a lot of money to power up the account, but the upvote kept going down. I can't power up a big % of the hive power we have. I just stopped powering up the earning and keeping about 1.5 hive to power up in the power up day. It's not to win the contest, but just to keep building the account.

If you don't have a lot of steem power or you are ready to buy some hive to power up. check the details here : HIVE-PUD-INTL - 5000+ HIVE POWER.

You can subscribe to our community here : https://hive.blog/trending/hive-177976

Join our discord server here : https://discordapp.com/invite/UMAMYkP

All the earning as usual is going to power up the account !