Te enseƱo a hacer flores de papel para decorar tortas šŸŽ‚šŸŒøšŸ’[ESP-ENG]

in GEMS ā€¢ 3 years ago


Feliz noche amigos hoy no les traigo una receta de comidašŸ¤­ hoy quiero mostrarles el paso a paso de como hice estĆ”s hermosas flores de papel que estĆ”n de moda y yo las uso mucho para decorar mis tortas y mis clientes las aman tanto como yo. Solo que no saben todo el trabajo que hay que hacer para armar una de estas flores.

  • Happy evening friends, today I do not bring you a food recipešŸ¤­ today I want to show you the step by step of how I made these beautiful paper flowers that are in fashion and I use them a lot to decorate my cakes and my clients love them as much as I do. They just don't know all the work that needs to be done to put together one of these flowers.



Comienzo dibujando la forma que va a llevar la flor, hago muchos pƩtalos ya que harƩ varias flores y cada flor lleva aproximadamente 21 pƩtalos.

  • I start by drawing the shape that the flower is going to take, I make many petals since I will make several flowers and each flower has approximately 21 petals.



Aquƭ pueden ver un poco mejor la figura de los pƩtalos de estƔs flores.

  • Here you can see a little better the shape of the petals of these flowers.



Aquƭ ya tengo todos los pƩtalos recortados.

  • Here I already have all the petals cut out.



Esto es lo que voy a necesitar para armar las flores, los pĆ©talos de papel, tijera, pistola de silicĆ³n.

  • This is what I will need to assemble the flowers, the paper petals, scissors, and glue gun.



El primer pƩtalo lo enrollo y este serƔ el centro de nuestra flor.

  • I roll up the first petal and this will be the center of our flower.



Aquƭ les muestro la forma que le doy al pƩtalo ara irƭas pegando y asƭ ir armando la flor.

  • Here I show you the shape that I give to the petal so you would stick and thus build the flower.



AquĆ­ vamos a pegar dos pĆ©talos en la imagen te enseƱo cĆ³mo debes pegar estos pĆ©talos.

  • Here we are going to paste two petals in the image I will show you how you should paste these petals.



AquĆ­ tenemos dos pĆ©talos mĆ”s y los vamos a pegar de manera diferente a cĆ³mo pegamos los dos anteriores.

  • Here we have two more petals and we are going to glue them differently than how we glued the previous two.



Aquƭ vamos pegando dos pƩtalos mƔs ya nuestra flor va tomando forma.

  • Here we are gluing two more petals and our flower is taking shape.



AsĆ­ quedĆ³ mi flor luego de que pegue todos los pĆ©talos. Yo pegue 20 pĆ©talos y si quieres una flor mĆ”s grande puedes colocar mĆ”s pĆ©talos.

  • This is how my flower looked after I glued all the petals. I glued 20 petals and if you want a bigger flower you can put more petals.


AquĆ­ les muestro algunas flores de otros colores.

  • Here I show you some flowers of other colors.



AquĆ­ les muestro como decore una torta con estas bellas flores.

  • Here I show you how to decorate a cake with these beautiful flowers.