Why Football is an Amazing Sport

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)


Sports is something that has been in existence for a long time, created by people, probably as a form of entertainment. According to sources, wrestling is regarded as the oldest sport that existed way back so many years ago and from then, there have been a lot of other sports invented. At the moment, there are so many sports that are currently been played by many… some are more popular than the others while some are not popular at all, only played by a smaller group, community or played by a particular demographic. Football has remained one of the oldest sports, played by millions all over the world. It is also one of the richest sport presently as we can see from how much football players earn and how much the sport generates globally and also in major European leagues and leagues worldwide.

Football is one of the first sports I played way back during my childhood days… it is a very popular sport where I come from, so it was normal for most child back in the days to own a football, kicking it around in the yard. I was obviously one of the children back then that owned a football and was doing what most child did which is to kick it around the house and yard and breaking a few stuffs here and there with the ball… lol. I grew up with football, so for me, it was natural to grow up liking football and knowing how to play football as well. I began to watch football when I was much older during my high school days and began to support a few clubs because of how they played. I’m not really a fan of a particular team, rather I’m a fan of football in general and watch the game for entertainment. Obviously there are teams that i like the most and will always support them when they are playing with other teams.

Football is one of the sports that has almost everything… the passion, excitement, emotion, drama, tension etc… everything is there in football. This is one of the reasons I love and enjoy watching football. I have a few friends who are hardcore and diehard football fans, supporting their favorite teams… I listen to them when they argue about their favorite… you can see the passion in their eyes when they try to defend their teams or try to win an argument. I also go to watch some matches on tv with these friends of mine when their teams are playing and I see how emotional they get… this emotion ranges from intense excitement, joy and happiness when their team is winning or intense anger, sadness or frustration when their team is losing. For me, it is all about entertainment and even though I get this emotions as well, I try to derive the entertainment in it which is the main reason for watching the sport. All these add up to make football one of the most amazing and entertaining sports.


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