Swimming and Why it is an Amazing Recreational Activity…

in GEMS4 years ago


When it comes to recreational activities, swimming is definitely up there in the mix. Swimming is fun and anyone who knows how to swim would tell you how amazing and refreshingly fun swimming is especially in a hot day – jumping into the pool and having to cool off is a pleasant experience. Similar to a lot of other recreational activities/sports, swimming was something I wasn’t born with… (are people actually born with the ability of swimming… I know there are people with the natural talent of swimming)… anyways…

For me, I was all about learning and practice like every other sports I know how to play. I’ve always loved the art of swimming… yes, I also consider swimming an art as well, as there are people that really know how to swim and I love watching people show their swimming skills. Back in the days, I can remember vivdly how I used to go out with friends and they would hop into the swimming pool and swim, and I would just sit by the pool side and watch them. In my mind, I knew I wanted to learn how to swim because I just loved the idea of floating on water and showing some skills, but at that time, I was a bit terrified by the idea of jumping inside a large pool of water. So it was a bit of a dilemma for me back then, until I was able to get over the phobia and put my mind to actually learn.

Swimming is fun when you learn it… Like I said, you wouldn’t know how fun it is until you are really feeling the heat from the hot sun or hot weather, then you would appreciate why swimming is such an amazing activity. Aside being able to cool off from the hot sun or hot weather, like other recreational sports/activity, swimming also comes with a lot of benefits when it comes to fitness, in fact, in my opinion, swimming is one of the most effective forms of exercise and ways to keep fit. Some of the benefits of swimming includes… it helps increases your heart rate… it is a great way to tone muscles, build strength, build endurance… that is why people who swim professionally are really fit and agile. I enjoy swimming a lot… what more is better than having fun while enjoying a lot of benefits… or swimming after a long workout… cooling off inside the pool while still exercising at the same time… that is incredible in my opinion. For me, swimming is a really amazing way to keep fit and a fun recreational activity.


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