On making reflections on what is happening in the weather situations around the planet. Why does it howl in the corners of the house?

in GEMS2 years ago


We should know why things are happening, and why we are perceiving the things that we experience, just about how the wind is, and how the rain is! And why do these things happen in the ways that they are happening?

You know, the weather is just as we perceive it from time to time, and the weather forecasts around the earth, they are a description of how things are, and how they will happen ever in the human nature in the nature, and there are many people in the organizations that are not understanding these things at all, and we should claim understanding in every ways.

You know, Jesus told Nicodemus, that we are perceiving the wind as it is coming in the nature, but we do not know where it is coming from, and where it is going, and that is often the situation with the windy nature just as we perceive it as it is coming when it is coming!

The storm is coming when we are at home, at our working places and in the schools where we are perceiving things just as they are coming. So, sometimes there could be too many storms in the weather, and the pupils are sent home because there are too many disturbances at the schools, and therefore we should adapt ourselves to what is happening, and we should be pleased or glad of what is happening, and there are variations in the weather in the short run and in the long run, especially in the long run.

The wind is there, when there is unever heating at the earth, and warm and cold air are meeting each other, and it also happens when the earth is doing the rotation. The earth is being in a situation when making equilibrium of conditions and of states, and therefore we are perceiving different things that are coming to the earth different places from time to time. So, we should perceive anything that is happening ever in the weather, and sometimes it is calm and sometimes it is blowing, and we experience these different conditions to any time, and we also see that the weather is in equal states or in different states from country to country on the planet. And this is an example of meeting variations every day when we are claiming what the weather should be.

How did the earth really appear just like it is functioning nowadays? Well, it happened with gas and dust, and some clouds of these things, and therefore we can perceive what we are perceiving today, and there can be evolution of any things that we are seeing today with our human eyes. And we should think about that the weather and different things in the universe, they are happening to get infinity in the nature of many kinds, and this makes the question of what any human is the universe, and therefore it is no strange that people are thinking about their identities to any times, and this is the situation for anyone being engaged with any academic titles and positions, and therefore we should not be surprised on anything anywhere.

So, when it is bad weather, the furniture are coming to and from different places, and there are many designs and many ways of meeting the furniture with people everywhere, and people are perceiving that fashion and bright colors, that are the solutions of doing anything in our homes at home, at our cottages and abroad, and therefore humans must use their senses, and some thing like smell and tastes to perceive what is going on, and what should ever be done of solutions in humanity!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway


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