People photography: A taste of India (24 Photos)

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


Some years ago I was in India together with a friend. Two female travellers who crossed the country by train from east to west. From Varanasi to Udaipur. India is still one of those countries that has made the deepest impression on me. It's a country full of contrasts. To us it was a trip that changed our views on many aspects of our own life. The heartbreaking poverty is something we weren't prepared for. It pursued us wherever we went. But India is so much more than poverty and heaps of trash. It has a rich history and a remarkable selection of architectural masterpieces and lots of colors. In this post my focus is on the people and I will let the photos speak for themselves.

Varanasi took our breath away. There were crowds of people everywhere, including countless "guides", rickshaw-wallhahs and souvenir vendors who constantly offered their services. They flocked around us and followed us the entire ten minute walk to the hotel. On our first day we preferred to look at life along the shores of Ganges from the hotel. That's why some photos are taken from above. Eventually we ventured out on a walk along the riverbank.

River Ganges is seen as a river of salvation. To Hindus a bath in the Ganges has a great positive impact. It erases bad karma. The river bank consists of a continuous series of bathing places and cremation sites. From a boat trip on the river, we witnessed some of the most intimate rituals that relate to life and death performed in full public by the city's "ghats".

This city of Lord Shiva is famous as one of the 7 most important cities of Hinduism and an important pilgrimage destination for both Hindus and Buddhists. Buddha gave his first speech in the small town of Sarnath outside Varanasi.

Another major tourist destination is Agra, mainly because it's home to one of the worlds most famous monuments – Taj Mahal, built by emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. It took him 22 years and most of the royal treasury to build this beautiful memorial to eternal love. Like us, many locals were here to admire the legacy of the Mogul rulers.

Jaipur is the capital of the state of Rajastan, also called the "The Pink City of India"and a popular tourist destination inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. The photos are from a visit to Amber Fort which also gave us a chance to see a rural part of Rajastan.

Udaipur is maybe one of the most romantic places of all, also known as «The City of Lakes». It's wellknown for its beautiful palaces, like the Lake Palace in the middle of the Picola lake. A peaceful place where there were hardly any hassle from persistent souvenir vendors. A wonderful place to end our trip.

India surpassed all our expectations. It's just as magical as I expected it to be.

Please do follow if you want to keep up with my next photo shoot. Any upvotes or resteems are hugely appreciated!

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All the photoes are mine, Ulla Jensen (flickr, Instagram and facebook)

[//]:# (!pinmapple 25.323832 lat 82.974300 long People photography: A taste of India (25 Photos) d3scr)

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Thanks a lot :)

I love the story and the photograph of the people. So informative.

Thank you :)