The importance of effective decision making on the payment of social benefits..

in GEMS2 years ago
The management in the companies, are developed by internal and external factors, in relation to this, the entities tend to carry out activities to compete in a changing internal corporate environment, for such reason to be able to fulfill the objectives and established goals, and to make effective use of the management tools make that it achieves to be able to fulfill the labor and fiscal demands of the business environment.

In turn, in their internal environment, these companies develop or carry out activities, such as plans, strategies, processes, procedures, standards, among others, which through their execution and results help the representatives to meet their objectives and goals set in the different areas, specifically in the personnel area.

Likewise, one of the factors involved in this process is the retroactivity system, which consists of determining social benefits based on the last salary earned by the employee at the end of his or her employment with the company.

This is why, under the speculative context, the salary will possibly suffer numerous increases, which means that, at the end of the labor relationship and after accumulating a considerable time of service, the retroactive system will probably be more beneficial for the worker than the system of labor guarantees or agreement.

In summary, as the worker accumulates a high level of seniority and when salaries increase, is when the real problem for the company arises, since a large amount of resources must be safeguarded for the time of liquidation or termination of the labor relationship.

This shows us how important it is to make decisions at different levels such as business and also at the departmental level in reference to the multiple administrative, accounting, tax and financial aspects, based on the results obtained and expected that are evidenced in the accounting processes and the internal audit of the companies, so that when a worker leaves the company, the company can have the financial resources that do not affect its liquidity and can honor the debt with the worker.

All photos are in the public domain from Pixabay.