A good reunion after 2 long years - Un buen reencuentro después de 2 largos años. ❣️🎉

in GEMS3 years ago

Happy Thursday everyone 🎈🎉 today was different for me I had a visit from a great friend, we had not seen each other since 2019 Wow! So I can say that my day was really nice today ☺️❣️

Feliz jueves a todos 🎈🎉 el día de hoy fue diferente para mí tuve la visita de un gran amigo no nos veíamos desde el 2019 ¡Wow! Así que puedo decir que mi día fue realmente agradable el día de hoy ☺️❣️


My friend's name is Emmanuel and I met him at my old job at the airport at the airline we worked for. I no longer work there but he does since he belongs to another apartment different from mine. He is from the platform and I belonged to the AVSEC agents department.

Mi amigo se llama emmanuel y lo conocí en mi antiguo trabajo en el aeropuerto en la aerolínea en la cual trabajábamos. Yo ya no trabajo ahí pero el si ya que pertenece a otro apartamento diferente al mío. El es de plataforma y yo pertenecía al departamento de agentes AVSEC.



Maintaining our friendship at work was really difficult as we weren't allowed due to different departments, stupid company rules. But we still talked from time to time, when we had no operations. Sometimes my supervisor would make some complaints to me about my friendship but I think it was something absurd. The problem is that I was security and he is in charge of uploading the luggage to the plane and I take care of him, therefore there is a possibility that something illegal could get into the plane but I was very sure that I would always do my thing. I work well so that rule seemed absurd to me.

However, since then we have a good friendship, we are in constant contact, we talk about our problems, we unburden ourselves ... And thank God I have been able to count on him from time to time.

Mantener nuestra amistad en el trabajo realmente fue difícil ya que no nos era permitido debido a los diferentes departamentos, normas estupidas de la empresa. Pero aún así conversábamos cada tanto que podíamos fuera de operaciones en nuestros tiempos libres algunas veces mi supervisor me ponía algunas quejas por mi amistad pero creo que era algo absurdo. El problema es que yo era seguridad y el se encarga de subir el equipaje al avión y yo de cuidarlo por lo tanto existe la posibilidad de que algo ilicito suba al avión pero yo estaba muy segura de siempre hacer mi trabajo bien por lo que me parecía absurda esa norma.

Sin embargo desde entonces tenemos una buena amistad, estamos en contacto constantemente charlamos nuestros problemas, nos desahogamos... Y gracias a Dios he podido contar con el cada tanto he necesitado.


The photographs are of my authorship taken with my Redmi Note 10 cell phone and edited with the Instagram application, the translation of the text is done using this medium: Deepl. You can reach me through my account

Las fotografías son de mi autoría tomadas con mi celular Redmi Note 10 y editadas con la aplicación Instagram la traducción del texto la realice utilizando este medio: Deepl. Pueden ubicarme por medio de mi cuenta de


Wow! That's such a long time! I'm so happy you were able to reconnect! Hope you had a great time!

Sorry for not replying sooner... surely it was many years. The good thing is that he still hasn't emigrated like my other friends 😅 I've already run out of friends due to the situation in the country, unfortunately, but hey, you don't have to think about the bad, good things will come little by little, greetings to you 💃🏻

It's correct ☺️ and happiness is reflected in the photographs 📸 I hope you can be with your loved one soon 💕

Thank you! We definitely feel like we've run out of friends too.

But yes, good things will happen when we remain positive! Thanks for your reply! I really do enjoy your posts.

I am really happy for you. Happiness levels just shoots up when meeting our love ones after a long time. Now i miss my fiancé :'(

Thanks for sharing! Wishes both of you the best!

I am really happy for you. Happiness levels just shoots up when meeting our love ones after a long time. Now i miss my fiancé :'(

Thanks for sharing! Wishes both of you the best!

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