A Sublime Sunday at the Garden Centre

in GEMSlast year (edited)

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Today, for #sublimesunday and #BeautifulSunday I'm sharing my recent trip to the Garden Centre, but in video form.

#SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is the idea of @ace108, so give them love respectively and also join in one Sunday, it's such fun!


Tho this tide wasn't today, Sunday, I'm happily sharing it with you today. This past week we had a new moon and when the moon cycle is right we get a very high and subsequently very low tide and thus Tidal Flats.

When the harbor empties out like this one can go out mudlarking and find all sorts of treasures or just enjoy the seabirds feasting on the exposed shells and crabs.

The Garden Centre this time of year is all about Spring.


The pansy and violas were out in the hundreds and I was a happy gardener. The scent of the violias was intoxicating as you entered this first greenhouse of the gaden centre, the chilly air following you in and stirring up their delicious scent.


Outside the hardy and gorgeous Hellebore were the true harbingers of Srping. These hardy fellows peep their head out of banks of snow in February if we are lucky. I particularly loved this chartruese green tone. This phots is not enhanced, that is how gorgeous and glowing that color truly is,


Of coure outside was mostly bare, but to see all these empty tables only makes me happy as I know they are getting ready for veg and annuals in a few weeks and my June this place will be Alive with plants and flowers and bees and busy shoppers.


I could NOT leave without a collection of things for 2 planters I'm doing for Spring. These gorgeous purple and white primulas were some of what I got. But, I'll let you enjoy the day out in video form and have an armchair day at the garden centre then a drive home in chilly New England on a Spring Day.

I hope you enjoyed #SublimeSudnay and #beautifulsunday and that you'll join in with us next week.

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I was just looking at the calendar this morning and remembering we should start seeding the next wave for the garden. I should be heading to our local garden center which is a lot like yours!

I have a silly @3speak question probably better asked elsewhere but here goes. I capture some video but not near enough because they take up so much space and are hard to transfer to use in a blog. For 3speak, can you upload right from your phone in a manor that is not a pain in the ass? (EG actifit, I love the concept but the app is so damn bad with the latency, crashes and awkward text entry with thumbs)

#sublimesunday indeed!

Gosh, I don't know you should ask @3speak perhaps, I uplaod on my pc, as it's easier for me, I edit on there so video is already on computer and easy to just pull over to #3speak interface on my pc. Good luck! and yay Spring and planting!

Quite a number of empty shelves. Wonder if they are sold out or just waiting to stock up.

waiting to stock up as its still quite cold here in New England (well not today but when I filmed) so in a few weeks veg and annuals will come in finally

That should be interesting.