About me

in GEMS3 years ago

My name is Aileru Oluwatoyin Abdulbasit, I am happy to be one of this family, I am currently a student of Obafemi Awolowo University, I am studying Electrical and electronics engineering, I am a computer technician, and also a programmer. I program in python and Matlab and I am still working towards learning more programming languages may God make it easy for me, I specialize on python scripting, Matlab scripting, data analysis, business analysis,
machine learning with python and Matlab etc...
I have a business name called MECRUN
Well don't be surprised about my username, I am working towards becoming a mechatronics Engineer, so the mec stand for mechatronics and the Dr. is a topic for another day.
I am very excited to be here today... It's nice meeting you all.