
Well, maybe it'll be a race to the end and whomever gets there first can kick off the haunting then maybe joint-haunting when the other kicks the bucket?

Well, you are just the life of the party! I'm in!

I'm going to come up with some haunting poetry in celebration; something like this:

We will go haunting because it's good
You might get haunted because you deserve it
We will scare the bejeezus out of you
And then laugh at your discomfort

Ok, not my best effort but I've seen worse. [I'm not Shakespeare you know!]

Yes. Yes. Well, it is not bad for off-the-cuff variety. We can stop talking about who is going first. :))

Haunting. Simply haunting.

Lol...Fair call, talking about one's own death unsettles many. I understand.

Sweet Jesus. So much testosterone on one page.

Hmm not really, I'm just pragmatic. I'll die, as will everyone I know, indeed, everyone ever. I'm not one to shy away from the realities of it and I live a better life because of it. It's not bravado, just the reality.

I don't want to unsettle the whole blockchain, especially if one of us turns up dead tomorrow. Or today, in your case. That would creep them all out.

I stopped at Boomys on the way back here. 😲

I think people need to be unsettled a little bit these days...It might wake them up to some of the stupidity we've come to accept.

I stopped at Boomys on the way back here.
